The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has shared its vision for the year 2024-25 which is encapsulated in the initiative "DRISHTI" means ‘vision’ that would lead the Institute towards groundbreaking advancements in the fields of Digitalization (D), Research (R), Integrity (I), Skills (S), Handholding (H), Transparency (T), and Independence (I).

The CA profession, founded on a bedrock of ethics, integrity, and independence, will serve as the cornerstone propelling India towards becoming an economic powerhouse of the world by 2047.

Each one, teach one" is a phrase that encapsulates the idea of ICAI Members taking personal responsibility for sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences with ICAI Students, thereby contributing to the collective growth and empowerment of the CA Profession. It emphasizes the importance of mentorship, peer-to-peer learning, and paying forward the knowledge and opportunities one has received.

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